Friday, October 01, 2010

Oktboulderfest tomorrow. Prepare for some ball stomping!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Team Singapore just flew up the third leg. Insane.

I wanna do this competition some year.

My Morning Commute

I live 16 miles away from where I work. There's a connection of bike paths that can lead me directly to work. It's so wonderful. A 16 mile ride in the morning is a bit hefty, however, keep in mind that only about 2 miles of that are on an actual road.

I leave my house, and bike maybe 5 blocks to the greenway (bicycle highway). I take that all the way to the Cedar Lake Trail, which leads me through Theodore Wirth Park. At this point, I've been biking beside a lake and a forest for about 10 minutes. Relaxing. Not usually any cars on these roads anyway.

In Theodore Wirth, I face a choice. Do I want to take Glenwood, which would make me bike along a roadway for about 1.5 miles, or do I want to take the Luce Line from 55 and Theodore Wirth Parkway?

In the end, I just look forward to getting past Winnetka. Once I pass Winnetka (and go under highway 169), I feel free. From then on, it's all trails through Plymouth. Fox Forest is a beautiful ride, despite them never cleaning up the leaves. They have wonderful bridges going along Plymouth Swamp (I don't know what the real name is of it).

Finally, I make it to Parkers Lake. There, I take my last little relaxing bit of the ride before an uphill climb to work. That hill is one of two potential spots on the whole ride where I might shift.

So my morning commute on my bike? It's fantastic. I absolutely love it. When I get to just glide along bike paths for almost 16 miles, having to deal with traffic rarely, it brings a smile to my face. And it makes me supremely sexy.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cut Your Coffee With Draino and Cream

Another 40 miles of bike riding yesterday. An hour of bouldering, and I've almost got the roof route I've been working on done. I can feel my fingers getting stronger every day. Feels good, baby. Feels REAL good.

But yesterday was a weird day. I made a decision. A decision I've never made before. "Hey, take it easy. Don't push yourself TOO hard." I decided not to bike home from a friend's house. I could've done it, I know. I could have added another 4 miles onto my day. But I didn't. I told myself, "What greek god was known for biking everyday? None." I had to remind myself, "You're Achilles. You're a runner. At heart, you run. Don't forget that."

Fitting. I had given up on running for a while. This year's Grandma's Marathon was supposed to be my last. I keep telling myself that over and over. It never works. My sister convinced me to sign up for the Mardi Gras Rock and Roll Marathon in February.

That's right. A marathon in February. So I will be up in Minnesota, during the heart of winter and the height of cross country ski season, running. Running. Being one of those redunkulous looking people wearing tights under super short shorts, and a vest over a poly-pro shirt. Sweating so bad that steam rises from my body.

But, to make things worse, I signed up for a 10 mile race at the end of October. A 10 miler? Ugh. Why can't I just do 5k's again? They're over before they even start! That's what's awesome about them.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Total miles biked today: 10. Total miles ran today: 3.1. Total hours spent bouldering today: 1.5. Good day.Might be a bit worn out tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Smeegathack is Back

Today. Good day. Well, actually, I think it was one of those terrible days that was strangely wonderful.

I decided to finally bike into work today, rain or shine. It was shine, and I was overdressed and biking too hard. Sweat sweat sweat. Ended up taking a couple wrong turns. Long story short, I biked 20 miles to get to work. After getting there (it still only took me an hour and 15 minutes), I ate loads of food and memorized the route home, street by street.

On the way home, I mistakenly followed the signs instead of the streets or the path I had memorized. Poor decision. Got lost again. Figured it out faster this time. "Highway 100? I hate this crap." 18 miles on the way back.

Still have to boulder tonight too. So, total mileage on bike today will be more than 40 miles.

If the biking continues, I will definitely be ready for the 10 mile race at the end of October.

If the biking continues, I will also be eating 4000 calories a day. Time to make more food for a week than most people make in a trimester.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Buildering. Misinterpretting architecture for the sake of climbing and all-round badassery. Isn't it about time you've been arrested having fun?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Time Is Now

Yesterday marked the first day I didn't ride a bike in August. Well, I made it 15 days at least.

My sister is trying to convince me to sign up for the St. Jude's Marathon in Memphis. It's December 4th. That would mean I'd have 3 months to train. Should I do it?
Hells yeah.

Went for a run on Saturday morning. 6.5 miles in a little less than an hour (including stoplights, not including giving directions). That means I'm still in pretty good shape, I suppose.
However I am developing a blister on the back of my left foot. I've been running for 14 years now, and have never had blisters before. I haven't gotten a new pair of shoes or anything like that. The blister is only on one foot. Strange. Well, nip it in the bud.

Monday, I went rock climbing for 2.5 hours. Good stuff. Made me feel a lot healthier and schtuff. I also registered for Oktboulderfest. It's a fun competition at Vertical Endeavors. Only issue I have with it, is the fact that it's misleading. With a name like Oktboulderfest, it should have beer. Not so.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Funky Smell of Hysteria

Bouldering last night went very well. However, I find myself making a few mistakes. They are as follows:

1. Not breathing.
2. Grabbing big, juggy holds.
3. Gripping too tight.

Two of these rules are counter to the very nature of life and nature of climbing. 1 and 3 should be easy to rectify. Keep breathing. Just stay focused. Stay breathing. Next, the grip needs to be ONLY as tight as it need to be to keep you on the rock. ONLY. There is no reason to have a death-grip on a hold if a lighter grip will work just as well, and maybe even better.

As to #2, I just need to remind myself to try new things. Crimping. Crimp crimp crimp. Let's do this.

Finally tried liquid chalk last night. Weird stuff. Effective though. I don't know how I feel about it. It's unique. If I did use chalk, I might consider buying a tube of this stuff. Somebody was boasting that it lasts for months. Well, I've had the same chalk ball for the past...6 years. I'd say that it's a pretty good life span.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Twin Cities Biking

On the one week that I've been back in Minneapolis, I have biked every single day. This is a good feeling. How long can I keep it up? At least until next weekend when I go to Duluth?

Let's hope so.

Tonight: Bouldering. Then Fringe Festival.

Monday, August 09, 2010

I'm in Love

Ok. So I haven't looked too closely at this website, but I'm interested.
Vegehuvian Recipes for Athletes
Awesome, no? I definitely need to start hitting these. My granola bars are not enough right now. I can feel my energy levels dropping. Also, this might be really good for the upcoming 3 week backpacking trip.
Man, I love being vegehuvian again.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Ah. The time has come again. It's time to stomp some balls out there in the world. Back in Minneapolis, and I am going to be getting back in shape. Now that I've been back for almost a week, it's time to rock some socks off.
Thursday: Biked 17 miles with Mabbott.
Friday: Bouldered at Midwest Mountaineering for an hour.
Saturday: 6 mile run. And it's not even noon yet.

Tomorrow morning, I'm going to a church service that is yoga and prayer...should be interesting. After that, I'm going to play some tennis.

It feels good to be back in Minneapolis. Feels good to be active again. My poor little six pack has been hiding for too long. It's time for him to say hello to the world again.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Job Op

Damn. Wish I knew french or german.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

One mile piggyback ride was given this evening. Am I recovered from the marathon? No. Do I care? No. Bring on the pain.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Marathon time: 3:46. A new record for me. At the end of the race I called out 'Nike!' Sweet goddess of victory. A new 21 day challenge approaches. Stay tuned.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pre-Marathon Day

The last day before the marathon. It was spent taking it quite easy. I did a 2.5 or 3 mile run. Took it at a really easy pace. Afterwards, I did twenty minutes of light bouldering and half an hour of yoga. Then BMW and Jason B. came to take a sauna with me. Then went up to BMW's house and ate a glorious amount of pasta. An enormous bowl worth of pasta (maybe a pound). After this, we played some Super Mario Bros. on Wii. Excellent game. Then BMW shows me the Wii Fit, and I was in like Finn. Had a great time playing the balance games, hula hooping, and nordic ski jumping. Jason B. mentioned that the mass amounts of hula hooping I was doing may come back to haunt me tomorrow. I am continually forgetting that I'm running a marathon tomorrow.

Oh well. The more I think about it, the more I realize that this will not be my last. Shooting for a time of 4 hours. No need to rush. I don't care to do Boston or New York City, so why shoot for a particular time?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

18 out of 21 Days

Days are starting to blend together. I don't remember what training I did when. I ran for an hour the night before. Ran an hour and a half the day before that. I haven't actually been checking my mileage, which is a bit of a mistake.

Today, while I was getting my car's oil changed and tires rotated, I went for a little trot in Cakota. I ended up running almost the entire way to Drascal (6 miles away). At about 4.5 miles, I realized that I needed to turn around, otherwise I would overdo it before the marathon.

Issues: the shin splints are getting worse. That does not bode well for me. Also, it's way too hot out. I only ran for a little bit over an hour today, and ended up getting the salt crystals on my skin from sweat.

Things are gonna be interesting. While I kinda want to not do any marathons anymore, I also am tempted to sign up for either the Kroll's Diner Marathon in Bismarck or the Medtronic Marathon in the Twin Cities.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Glencoe Days

Did a race this morning. 2 mile run. 13:35. Tough to remember how to pace oneself when it's 2 miles, and I'm used to running at least 4 or 5.

Might do another run tonight.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


So I had a 17 mile run on Monday. Then, on Tuesday I biked into work in the rain for the 17 miles. I discovered that my workplace is entirely uphill from where I live. There is one brief downhill with 3 miles left, but it's pretty short. It wasn't difficult, but it was the first time I had shifted gears on my bike for a long time. The rain and the wind were hard, but not too miserable. Not the most brilliant decision after how bad(ly) my legs were hurting. Then I spent two hours bouldering, and went for a brief run and had a wonderful sauna.

The outside of my left foot hurts though. I'm not sure why. I haven't been too hard on my feet lately. It feels a little bruised. Not good news considering how quickly the marathon is coming up.

Monday, June 07, 2010

I just ran 17 miles today in less than 2.5 hours. I am having trouble standing. It may be severe dehydration...Or that I pushed myself too hard...I don't know. I'm partially delusional. Please don't chase the cloud's pagoda.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Day 7

Is it day 7? Maybe it's day 8. Whatever. Anyway, did a nice 4.5 miler barefoot today. 40 minute run. Nice. Felt really good.

It's always nice to run barefoot. Those calluses are always a good feeling. It helps remind me of proper form also.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Today is an exception. Having a beer with grade school friends of my father. Therefore, I think after the thirteen miles last night, I'll be okay.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Half Marathon

Today I decided to go out and just run for two hours along the county roads outside of Glencoe. Ended up doing a little bit over a half marathon, in two hours. Feels good. Legs are in a bit of pain right now.

Goal tomorrow is to bike from Minneapolis to Glencoe. I think it's around 60 miles.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Day 4 of 21 Days

Day 4 of the 21 days went pretty well.
After work I went to the Hub Bike Coop to get my bike tire fixed. Then I went to Midwest Mountaineering to go bouldering with Diggidi. Bouldered for two hours. After that, I hit Hard Times for some dinner. Vegan biscuits and gravy. Then I went for a run in Minneapolis. 6.5 miles. Powderhorn Park to the Greenway, and to the Lake of the Isles. Then back along 31st to Powderhorn Park. Beautiful run. Beautiful day.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Day 3

Day 3 of the 21 days has not been going well. I got a flat tire about 2 miles outside of Glencoe. I am also having a difficult time finding a bike shop that can fix my tubular tires.

However, I still did my yoga this morning, and intend to go for a run directly after this post. It may be time to shave part of my beard.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

21 Days to Grandma's Marathon

Today marks 21 days until Grandma's Marathon. I was inspired to attempt the 21 Day style training that Pangifone has been doing, quite successfully.

My goals are as follows:
Give up the drink.
Bike the 15 miles to and from work every day (30 miles of biking daily).
Stop eating meat.
Do yoga 3 times-a-day.
Gradually increase my running until I can comfortably run 20 miles a week and a half before the marathon.

So, today started it out. I have eaten no meat today. I haven't had anything to drink. I did yoga this morning. And I went for a 6 mile run.

Today seems like a success so far.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bruce Lee

My gym membership is ending this weekend. This will provide me with more inspiration to run for my marathon in June. My neighbors, thankfully, have a barbell and a bench. I'll probably be utilizing that quite a bit over the next three months. So, I've been working on finding a good barbell workout. A comrade reminded me of a Bruce Lee weight session he used to do. After doing it a few times, my shoulders feel great. It feels like the first time they've ever been functional or strong at all. The following is the workout:

Clean and Press
Barbell Curl
Behind-the-Neck Press
Upright Row
Barbell Squat
Barbell Row
Barbell Bench
Barbell Pullover

It's listed as 2 sets of 8-12 reps, which is what I've been doing lately. However, I intend on doing 3 sets of 8-12 reps, since I won't have access to heavier weights. Also, it should be noted that the amount of reps for the squat is 20.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fit Test Round 2

Body Composition
This is your body fat, and body mass index. I scored "excellent." My body fat was 7.3%. Of course, this was using the electronic method, which isn't that accurate.
Cardiovascular Fitness
This is the VO2 max test, or rather aerobic test. I scored "excellent." Walked at 5 mph on a treadmill for 5 minutes and monitored the heart rate. Mine was around 120 bpm.
I was at 17.75 inches.
Muscle Strength
This time, I got the chest press up to 210lbs.
Muscle Endurance
How many sit-ups can you do in a minute? 45 for me. This put me at a "fair" ranking. So, I guess in order to make it to "excellent," you must do more than 1 a second.
Waist: 32"
Hips: 38"
Thigh: 20.25"
Arm: 11.75"
Calf: 14"
Chest: 38"

This time, my fit score rating was 34. That means, I improved 8 points, instead of my goal of six.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yesterday's Fit Test

Yesterday I had a fit test. It was, admittedly, archaic. However, it still opens my eyes to a few different ideas. Here is a list of the tests, and my results.
Body Composition
This is your body fat, and body mass index. I scored "excellent." My body fat was 7%. Or rather, what I would like to call, "Dangerously Low for Winter in the Upper Midwest." Of course, this was using the electronic method, which isn't that accurate.
Cardiovascular Fitness
This is the VO2 max test, or rather aerobic test. I scored "excellent." Walked at 5 mph on a treadmill for 5 minutes and monitored the heart rate. Mine was around 120 bpm.
Your standard middle school phy-ed test. Ruler put at the end of your feet. Stretch forward as much as possible. I scored "fair." Meaning I need a lot to improve. Darn you tight hamstrings!
Muscle Strength
The chest press. This measures your maximum lift/your body's ability to give you a burst of energy to lift. I made it to 170lbs. That being more than I way, I'm slightly impressed. But, I suppose I need to give myself a goal of higher. I ranked "good" on this one.
Muscle Endurance
How many sit-ups can you do in a minute? 40 for me. This put me at a "fair" ranking. So, I guess in order to make it to "excellent," you must do more than 1 a second.
Waist: 31"
Hips: 37"
Thigh: 19"
Arm: 11"
Calf: 14"
Chest: 35"
This, of course, brings me to the fact that my hips ARE the widest part of my body, as they are meant to be. Bonus.

So my overall score for the fit test was 26 points. That's "good." In order to be in the "excellent" category, I need to improve 6 points.