Yesterday I had a fit test. It was, admittedly, archaic. However, it still opens my eyes to a few different ideas. Here is a list of the tests, and my results.
Body Composition
This is your body fat, and body mass index. I scored "excellent." My body fat was 7%. Or rather, what I would like to call, "Dangerously Low for Winter in the Upper Midwest." Of course, this was using the electronic method, which isn't that accurate.
Cardiovascular Fitness
This is the VO2 max test, or rather aerobic test. I scored "excellent." Walked at 5 mph on a treadmill for 5 minutes and monitored the heart rate. Mine was around 120 bpm.
Your standard middle school phy-ed test. Ruler put at the end of your feet. Stretch forward as much as possible. I scored "fair." Meaning I need a lot to improve. Darn you tight hamstrings!
Muscle Strength
The chest press. This measures your maximum lift/your body's ability to give you a burst of energy to lift. I made it to 170lbs. That being more than I way, I'm slightly impressed. But, I suppose I need to give myself a goal of higher. I ranked "good" on this one.
Muscle Endurance
How many sit-ups can you do in a minute? 40 for me. This put me at a "fair" ranking. So, I guess in order to make it to "excellent," you must do more than 1 a second.
Waist: 31"
Hips: 37"
Thigh: 19"
Arm: 11"
Calf: 14"
Chest: 35"
This, of course, brings me to the fact that my hips ARE the widest part of my body, as they are meant to be. Bonus.
So my overall score for the fit test was 26 points. That's "good." In order to be in the "excellent" category, I need to improve 6 points.