Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cherry Tree Caroline

I really have no reason for posting this picture. I just felt like it'd be fun. Little remembrance of Glasgow. It was a grand ole time for Hannah's birthday. I belive this was actually for Steve's birthday though. Anyway, having our own huge room in a hostel for a party was a lot of fun. It was a great idea and the skittles vodka was well worth the gut-rot.

But that was a different time. Today's workout was grand. It was a step-up from what I normally do. I RARELY do supersets, but today I did.
Supersets combine two or more exercises with similar motions to maximize the amount of work of an individual muscle or group of muscles. The exercises are performed with no rest period between the exercises.
The supersets I performed today were as follows:
Incline press with bent-over row. I moved immediately from the incline press to the bent-over row. I didn't even take a break between sets, but did all 3 sets in a row.
Dip and pull-up. This was really hard doing supersets. Once again, I didn't take a break between the sets at all. It was rough. I normally only do sets of 10 for the dips, and sets of 10 for the pull-ups. Instead, today I pushed myself as hard as possible and did 15 reps for each set. I get the feeling tomorrow is going to lead to my body being broken.
The rest of my workout was pretty chill. After my supersets, I did my ab routine and lower back routine. This time I used a 25lb weight for the lower back. Then I finished it off with the following:
Military Press
Dumbbell Kickback

In the end, it was a great work-out today. Not sure about climbing tonight. It would be good, but I'm not feeling like going all the way out to the university tonight.

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