Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Time Is Now

Yesterday marked the first day I didn't ride a bike in August. Well, I made it 15 days at least.

My sister is trying to convince me to sign up for the St. Jude's Marathon in Memphis. It's December 4th. That would mean I'd have 3 months to train. Should I do it?
Hells yeah.

Went for a run on Saturday morning. 6.5 miles in a little less than an hour (including stoplights, not including giving directions). That means I'm still in pretty good shape, I suppose.
However I am developing a blister on the back of my left foot. I've been running for 14 years now, and have never had blisters before. I haven't gotten a new pair of shoes or anything like that. The blister is only on one foot. Strange. Well, nip it in the bud.

Monday, I went rock climbing for 2.5 hours. Good stuff. Made me feel a lot healthier and schtuff. I also registered for Oktboulderfest. It's a fun competition at Vertical Endeavors. Only issue I have with it, is the fact that it's misleading. With a name like Oktboulderfest, it should have beer. Not so.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Funky Smell of Hysteria

Bouldering last night went very well. However, I find myself making a few mistakes. They are as follows:

1. Not breathing.
2. Grabbing big, juggy holds.
3. Gripping too tight.

Two of these rules are counter to the very nature of life and nature of climbing. 1 and 3 should be easy to rectify. Keep breathing. Just stay focused. Stay breathing. Next, the grip needs to be ONLY as tight as it need to be to keep you on the rock. ONLY. There is no reason to have a death-grip on a hold if a lighter grip will work just as well, and maybe even better.

As to #2, I just need to remind myself to try new things. Crimping. Crimp crimp crimp. Let's do this.

Finally tried liquid chalk last night. Weird stuff. Effective though. I don't know how I feel about it. It's unique. If I did use chalk, I might consider buying a tube of this stuff. Somebody was boasting that it lasts for months. Well, I've had the same chalk ball for the past...6 years. I'd say that it's a pretty good life span.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Twin Cities Biking

On the one week that I've been back in Minneapolis, I have biked every single day. This is a good feeling. How long can I keep it up? At least until next weekend when I go to Duluth?

Let's hope so.

Tonight: Bouldering. Then Fringe Festival.

Monday, August 09, 2010

I'm in Love

Ok. So I haven't looked too closely at this website, but I'm interested.
Vegehuvian Recipes for Athletes
Awesome, no? I definitely need to start hitting these. My granola bars are not enough right now. I can feel my energy levels dropping. Also, this might be really good for the upcoming 3 week backpacking trip.
Man, I love being vegehuvian again.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Ah. The time has come again. It's time to stomp some balls out there in the world. Back in Minneapolis, and I am going to be getting back in shape. Now that I've been back for almost a week, it's time to rock some socks off.
Thursday: Biked 17 miles with Mabbott.
Friday: Bouldered at Midwest Mountaineering for an hour.
Saturday: 6 mile run. And it's not even noon yet.

Tomorrow morning, I'm going to a church service that is yoga and prayer...should be interesting. After that, I'm going to play some tennis.

It feels good to be back in Minneapolis. Feels good to be active again. My poor little six pack has been hiding for too long. It's time for him to say hello to the world again.