Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Smeegathack is Back

Today. Good day. Well, actually, I think it was one of those terrible days that was strangely wonderful.

I decided to finally bike into work today, rain or shine. It was shine, and I was overdressed and biking too hard. Sweat sweat sweat. Ended up taking a couple wrong turns. Long story short, I biked 20 miles to get to work. After getting there (it still only took me an hour and 15 minutes), I ate loads of food and memorized the route home, street by street.

On the way home, I mistakenly followed the signs instead of the streets or the path I had memorized. Poor decision. Got lost again. Figured it out faster this time. "Highway 100? I hate this crap." 18 miles on the way back.

Still have to boulder tonight too. So, total mileage on bike today will be more than 40 miles.

If the biking continues, I will definitely be ready for the 10 mile race at the end of October.

If the biking continues, I will also be eating 4000 calories a day. Time to make more food for a week than most people make in a trimester.

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