Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Living Vicariously Through my Father

Ah, April Fool's Day. Always a good time. Who knows what kind of madness can be done on this day with full justification. For the first year in a long time (as long as I can remember), I've got nothing planned. I haven't even really thought about anything particularly destructive I want to do. Pathetic. Loki and Winneboujou are weakening and crying over my lack of dedication. I can only hope that somebody else is paying them homage today.

Today's Workout
First was a superset with abs and leg raises.
Wide-grip pulldown
T-bar row
Back Hyperextension
Seated Dumbbell Curl

Next time, I will hurt you all. No, that's really not true at all. I want to create something great. I believe that I am destined for great things.

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